Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Bad Prince and the Good Prince

We have been writing fairytales this week, all our stories had to have a setting, some characters and a problem. And the had to start with "once upon a time"

Here's Angels story

Once upon a time in an old haunted house with cracked windows, it had a scary spider and it had a dead tree outside. There lived a bad Prince and a good Prince who had a bad temper and he wanted to kill people. However the good prince can save the universe!
The end.

Here is Leenas's story

Once upon a time in an old dark, dark, haunted castle, there were lots of traps and some old trees and some spooky owls and some weapons and some spooky ghosts. In this castle there lived a bad prince with a robot that killed people and the bad prince wanted anything that he wanted. In the castle he had a broken windows with some weapons and some spooky spiders. The good prince and the bad prince had a fight one day and good prince had to kill the robot.

Jedidiah has written a great description of his house..

Once upon a time there was a haunted house with broken beds and ripped clothes in it. There were spiders up the wall and a witch lived in there. It has an empty garden with dead birds and dead bats hanging in the trees. It's got holes that have owls and mice living in them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Acrostic Poems

This week we have been making acrostic poems in our class. We tried poems with the words Holidays, Recycle and Guide Dogs.

D og
O uch
G uide dog

S afe dog
A ngry dog
F lash dog
E xcellent dog
T each dogs how to  learn
Y our dog helps you

From Quaid

G reat dog
U understands
I like my dog
D on't touch a guide dog
E xcited

D ogs like to play with their families
O nly my family can feed it
G reat dog, it is cool

From Tyler

D ogs
O rder
G uide dogs

S niff your hand
A lone
F ast dog
E xcellent dog
T oys to play with
Y apping.

From Tevita

G rown up
U nderstands
I intelligent
D og
E veryone likes dogs

D ogs eat dog food
O ur family pet
G uides people and a good friend

From Angel

H ot weather
O ctober
L eaves are too hot to climb
I saw a friend
D addy long legs
A fterwards I had a break
Y esterday I was cold but today is 
S o hot

From Kyra

H ot weather
O ctober
L ife time
I ce cream
D ictionary 
A cross the road
Y oyo
S chool time

From Jedidiah

D on't annoy dogs
O bey me
G uide dogs

S niff your hand
A sk the owner
F eed your dog
E mergency
T each your dogs
Y our dog helps you

From Shaina

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kyra and Quaid's two front teeth...

This morning our two twins came to school. They BOTH have their TWO front teeth missing... 
How cool is that!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Alligator Alley, by Jill Eggleton

Mrs O'Malley likes to dilly dally. However this time she has gone too far.... 
She is finding a place for a picnic in Alligator Alley. Here are some endings we wrote after she has just fallen asleep in Alligator Alley....... 

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Worm Farm

Leenas has made a podcast about our Worm Farm. We are using the worm farm to compost all our school's food scraps and then we are going to put the vermicast into our garden. Tyler Tevita and Quaid have helped Leenas with her podcast.
We are all working towards making our school an "Enviro School"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Making a perfect Vegie Garden

Here is our first podcast for our garden. We have had to clear the grass roots, there was lots to 

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our new Garden

Here are some stories about our new garden.
We are going to plant swanplants and flowers to attract butterflies.

Monday, August 18, 2008


This is a video of our scarecrow stories. We have made a scarecrow to scare the birds from our vegie garden!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

First ever blog

Kia ora everyone!

This is our first ever blog.
It's a bit scary really, we are still learning what to do, if you know any cool tips or things we should know, let us know so our blog can be the best!