Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kyra and Quaid's two front teeth...

This morning our two twins came to school. They BOTH have their TWO front teeth missing... 
How cool is that!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Alligator Alley, by Jill Eggleton

Mrs O'Malley likes to dilly dally. However this time she has gone too far.... 
She is finding a place for a picnic in Alligator Alley. Here are some endings we wrote after she has just fallen asleep in Alligator Alley....... 

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Worm Farm

Leenas has made a podcast about our Worm Farm. We are using the worm farm to compost all our school's food scraps and then we are going to put the vermicast into our garden. Tyler Tevita and Quaid have helped Leenas with her podcast.
We are all working towards making our school an "Enviro School"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Making a perfect Vegie Garden

Here is our first podcast for our garden. We have had to clear the grass roots, there was lots to 