Thursday, October 16, 2008

Acrostic Poems

This week we have been making acrostic poems in our class. We tried poems with the words Holidays, Recycle and Guide Dogs.

D og
O uch
G uide dog

S afe dog
A ngry dog
F lash dog
E xcellent dog
T each dogs how to  learn
Y our dog helps you

From Quaid

G reat dog
U understands
I like my dog
D on't touch a guide dog
E xcited

D ogs like to play with their families
O nly my family can feed it
G reat dog, it is cool

From Tyler

D ogs
O rder
G uide dogs

S niff your hand
A lone
F ast dog
E xcellent dog
T oys to play with
Y apping.

From Tevita

G rown up
U nderstands
I intelligent
D og
E veryone likes dogs

D ogs eat dog food
O ur family pet
G uides people and a good friend

From Angel

H ot weather
O ctober
L eaves are too hot to climb
I saw a friend
D addy long legs
A fterwards I had a break
Y esterday I was cold but today is 
S o hot

From Kyra

H ot weather
O ctober
L ife time
I ce cream
D ictionary 
A cross the road
Y oyo
S chool time

From Jedidiah

D on't annoy dogs
O bey me
G uide dogs

S niff your hand
A sk the owner
F eed your dog
E mergency
T each your dogs
Y our dog helps you

From Shaina

Saturday, October 4, 2008